The NDLEA spokesperson has clarified that the agency did not arrest or detain the late singer, Mohbad. In February 2022, reports suggested that the NDLEA had conducted a raid at the Idado estate residence of artists signed under the Marlian label, resulting in the arrest of six individuals, including Zinolesky and Mohbad. The agency had stated that they recovered Cannabis sativa and Molly during the operation.
Recently, allegations emerged that Mohbad may have been poisoned during this supposed ‘arrest,’ as a video showed him on a hospital bed, claiming he was accused of drug abuse and forced to ingest a substance. Some Nigerians speculated that NDLEA operatives might have been involved in his demise.
However, in a post shared on Saturday night, September 16, Babafemi asserted that Mohbad was never arrested. He referenced a newslink where a source within the agency listed the names of those arrested, and Mohbad’s name was conspicuously absent.
Babafemi wrote, “This is an authentic account of the arrest and detention of some Marlian artistes in February 2022, an incident that has now been distorted by purveyors of fake news, claiming that Mohbad was poisoned in @ndlea_nigeria custody, even though he was never arrested or detained by the agency. I hope they’ll be brave enough to defend their claims when the law catches up with them.”