The Amotekun Corps in Ondo State, known as the Ondo State Security Network, recently thwarted a major robbery attempt targeting three banks and the abduction of a prominent businessman. The seven-man gang, originating from Delta State, had set up base in Irele community to plan their criminal activities, including enlisting the help of a supermarket employee linked to their intended victim. However, the employee resisted involvement, leading to the gang’s disruption by security forces. While six members escaped, one, Fatai Baami, was apprehended. Commander Akogun Adetunji Adeleye commended the Amotekun Corps’ proactive efforts in dismantling the gang’s operations. A manhunt is underway for the gang leader, who is believed to be in Delta State. Mrs. Angel, Fatai’s wife, expressed regret over her husband’s involvement, stating she had warned him against criminal activities. In a related development, another gang involved in stealing pipelines meant for a World Bank-financed water project was also apprehended and paraded by the Amotekun Corps.