Over the weekend at the Venice Film Festival, Spanish actor Gabriel Guevara found himself in custody due to a sexual assault warrant from another country. Guevara, widely recognized for his role in a new Amazon movie, was apprehended by local authorities on Saturday, September 2nd.
The specifics of the alleged incident remain undisclosed, and the extradition process may experience delays, pending a court of appeals decision.
Ironically, Guevara was slated to be honored with the “Best Young Actor” award by Filming Italy org on Sunday, September 3rd. However, this honor was promptly put on hold upon news of his arrest.
The Venice Film Festival took to social media to emphasize that Guevara had not faced any accusations of wrongdoing during their event.
Notably, Gabriel Guevara is an emerging talent, having appeared in the film ‘My Fault,’ as well as popular series such as “Skam Espana,” “You’re Nothing Special,” and “Cómo mandarlo todo a la mierda.”