Yoruba Nation activist Chief Sunday Adeyemo, popularly known as Sunday Igboho, has been released after a two-year trial by the Beninese government. Igboho confirmed his release through a statement on his Instagram account, accompanied by a video titled “My Release in Benin Republic.” In the video, he expressed his gratitude to God, the people of Yoruba, President Talon of Benin Republic, his father Professor Banji Akintoye, Professor Wole Soyinka, former President Olusegun Obasanjo, and others for their support during his ordeal.
He also thanked religious leaders, royal figures in Yoruba land, and various organizations for their prayers and assistance.
To provide some context, Igboho was arrested on July 19, 2021, by Interpol at Cadjèhoun Airport in Cotonou, Benin, while attempting to travel to Germany. He had left Nigeria following a DSS raid on his Soka residence in Ibadan, Oyo State, where he was accused of stockpiling arms.